Felix Solomon, a renowned Lummi artist, has experienced an extraordinary journey to becoming one of the region's most celebrated carvers. Before dedicating himself fully to art just a decade ago, Solomon's life revolved around the sea and entrepreneurial pursuits. He worked as a fisherman, deeply connected to the waters that define the Coast Salish people, and later transitioned to running a food truck, "Felix’s Fish & Stuff," which became a beloved local fixture.
In 1997, Solomon's artistic journey began when he started teaching himself the art of carving. Under the guidance of master carvers Scott Jensen and Ralph Bennett, he cultivated his skills and found a profound passion for the craft. Jensen, recognizing Solomon's dedication and talent, took him under his wing, mentoring him in the intricate and deeply symbolic world of Coast Salish carving.
Although carving is an art form that often requires decades to master, Solomon achieved remarkable success in a relatively short time. His works are celebrated for their cultural authenticity, intricate detail, and storytelling power. Among his notable achievements, Solomon has carved canoes for the Stillaguamish Tribe in Arlington and the Sauk-Suiattle Tribe in Darrington, reviving and honoring traditional canoe-making practices. His talent for storytelling through wood is further exemplified in his creation of a vertical story pole titled Evolution of Gambling for the Silver Reef Casino in Ferndale. This piece captures the transformative and enduring significance of traditional practices within modern contexts.
At Bellingham International Airport, visitors can marvel at his horizontal story pole titled It’s Mine. This sculpture tells a dynamic tale of two Coast Salish fishermen in a shovel-nosed canoe, pursuing a salmon with a gaff hook. At the opposite end of the pole, a serpent chases the same fish, its jaws outstretched—a powerful narrative capturing themes of struggle, competition, and the interconnectedness of life in the Coast Salish worldview.
Solomon's work bridges the ancient and the contemporary, blending traditional techniques with storytelling that resonates in today’s world. His artistry is a testament to his cultural heritage and a profound tribute to the Coast Salish peoples' enduring connection to their lands, waters, and traditions.
Solomon's Story Pole is a Towering Achievement 2018
Carving Out History Lummi Carver Felix Solomon is in High Demand 2018
Creativity in Collaboration: Structural Support for one Artists Project of a Lifetime 2018
Washington Artist: Lummi Carver Felix Solomon 2018
Lummi Carver Crafts Pole for Bellingham Airport Bellingham Herald 2016
Lummi Carver Felix Solomon to Speak at WWU 2015
Coast Salish Carver Felix Solomon Presents His Artwork and Wisdom 2014
Renowned Coast Salish Carver Felix Solomon to Lecture at SIEU 2014
First Nation Artist Robert Davidson and Lummi Nation Carver Felix Solomon Speak at Western 2010