
Kay WalkingStick, the Cherokee painter, focuses on the American Landscape and it’s metaphorical significances not only to Native Americans but also to all of our citizenry. The landscape sustains us physically and spiritually. It is our beautiful corner of the cosmos. The varied rendering of landscape in WalkingStick’s art is the thread that weaves together the many painterly directions her art has taken over the last 50 years.
Rick Beaver belongs to the Mississauga Ojibway of the Rice Lake area in Ontario.  He has been painting and exhibiting internationally for more than 30 years.  He also brings his formal training as a wildlife biologist into the studio.  His fusion of art with science works to honour and protect earth.

Jacinthe Demmert is a craftsman of the Haida Nation. She learned Haida basketry from her mother, MotherLeCornu and Haida formline art from her father, Adrian LeCornu. She has spent her lifetime weaving.