Native American Heritage 2024 Virtual Reality Exhibit: Loud, Proud and Empowered!

ARE 2024



Native Arts 360 is honored to present the stunningly bold artworks of notable Indigenous artists in the Pacific Northwest in celebration of Native American Heritage Month as our virtual First Friday event. Welcome artist/muralists Jason LaClair of Lummi Nation and the Nooksack Tribe; Shana Yellow Calf of 10 Buffalos Art (Arapaho/Chippewa/Metis); Marcus Joe (Swinomish); and Savannah LeCornu (Tsimshian/Haida/Nez Perce). The sultry electronica sounds of Tomahawk Bang (Onk Akimel O'odham) make this an undeniably soulful immersive arts experience. We deeply appreciate these artists for sharing their art that thoughtfully connects us to the Natural world and Ancestors. Mvto, Nyà•wę - Thank you for taking the time to view our exhibition! 

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